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Through Hispanic Eyes: Poetry and Photography
Books and Photographs Exhibition
August 2023, until January 2024.
Gladys Marcus Library/Fashion Institute of Technology/SUNY
Department of Modern Languages & Cultures
Created and curated by Madeline Millan, in collaboration with Professor Pilar Banco-Ruiz, Department of Modern Languages & Cultures. This event is possible thanks to the support of the School of Liberal Arts
Jacqueline Herranz-Brooks (Cuba)
I Want You.
I want to know your body
Like I know mine
Te deseo.
Quiero conocer tu cuerpo
Como si fuera el mío
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Eso me gustaría escribir, pero es absolutamente ridículo no pensar que nos pasamos un día
espléndido en la playa encojonadas, porque no encontrábamos adónde dormir por la noche.
I would like to write that, but it is ridiculous not to think that we spent the splendid day
on the beach in anger, because we couldn't find a place to sleep at night

Poesía Repatriada (poema #1)
Y en la realidad de aquí, en la realidad de ahora, en la realidad desde donde escribo, ha empezado a amanecer. Y al mirar la sala, he sentido miedo. Yo estaba bailando y sentada en esta silla a la vez, callada y preguntándome cuándo fue que vine a enterrarme delante de esta pantalla de vidrio, por qué lo de afuera da vueltas dentro, por qué el coro sigue diciendo: así vamos viendo si salimos de este embarque y avanzamos.
Repatriated Poetry (poem #1)
and in the reality of here, in the reality of now, in the reality of from where I write the light of day is coming. and when I look at the room, I feel afraid. I was dancing and sitting in this chair at the same time, silent and wondering how I came to bury myself in front of this glass screen, why the outside turns inside, why the chorus keeps saying: so let’s see if we get out of this rut and move forward.