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Madeline Millán
Curriculum Vitae
Madeline Millán (Writer, translator, photographer amateur)
Retired/Adjunct Professor, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, Fashion Institute of Technology/SUNY
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/madelinemillanpoeta/
Certified to teach online courses (Online Learning and Academic Technologies at FIT)
Certificate/Centro de las Artes/San Luis Potosí
Miradas al foto libro/Photobook & Archive as Contemporary Practice: "Tres ventanas (“Three Windows”).
FIT/SUNY: Courses in: Photoshop for Photographers (PH272), Computer Assisted Design (CG11-15A), and 2D animation (CG 213)
M.A. credits in the Spanish Creative Writing Program at NYU (2 courses with Chilean novelist Diamela Eltit; and Writing Seminar of Silvia Molloy & 6 other writers invited to this seminar) New York University, NYC
Ph.D. in Hispanic Languages and Literature
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Main field of specialization: 20th-century Latin American fiction DISSERTATION: Estudios sobre el suspense en el género detectivesco latinoamericano (Studies about Suspense in the Latin American Detective Fiction.) Advisor: Jaime A.Giordano
M.A. in Hispanic Studies
University of Puerto Rico
Main field: 20th-century of Latin American literature
THESIS: "El juego en tres relatos detectivescos de Jorge Luis Borges (Game and ludic reading to three detective Stories of Jorge Luis Borges.) Director: Dr. José Luis Vega
B.A. in Hispanic Studies
University of Puerto Rico Major:
Spanish Literature Minor: Journalism
2021 to the present
Retired/Adjunct Professor, Department of Modern Languages & Cultures Fashion Institute of Technology/SUNY
2018 to the present
Online Elementary Spanish (SP 111 & SP 112)
Adapted Course Syllabus of Intermediate Spanish Level SP 213 for online SP 213 at FIT
Spanish Professor for the Study Abroad Program in Buenos Aires (Winterim session)
2004 to 2021
Assistant Professor, Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT)
Courses taught: Elementary Spanish 111-112; Spanish for Spanish Speakers 142; Spanish Conversation 122: Study Abroad Program/Spanish Professor in Buenos Aires (January 2011); Advance Conversation 223; Intermediate SP 213, and Intermediate Spanish 214. Online teaching training & Course proposals: Argentine Fiction and Cinema; Caribbean Music Through Film, Literature and the Arts; Caribbean Music, Film and Literature; and The Caribbean Food
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus Spanish 111-112
Adjunct Assistant Professor at Baruch College (CUNY) Modern Languages Department & Black and Hispanic Studies.
Courses taught:
Western Literature (MLD, taught in English)
XIX Century Latin American literature (MLD)
Spanish 1001/2 (MLD)
Dominican Heritage: From Pre-Columbian Times to the Present (BHS)
Religions of the Caribbean (BHS, taught in English)
University Language Service, NY: Commercial Spanish
Summer Institute Immaculate Conception Center, NY.
Advanced Spanish at a religious seminary, professors stay in a full-time day and night program
Teaching Assistant Professor
Hispanic Languages and Literature, SUNY at Stony Brook, NY –Spanish 111-112
Upward Bound: Spanish Grammar for High School Students Puerto Rico Jr. College, PR
Assistant to Professors
Humanities Department
Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, PR
Humanities Department
Comercial Institute Ramírez College, PR
Western Art
1988-91 Burghardt Turner Fellowship
1989 Ph.D. Qualifying Examinations, High Pass
1987 M.A. thesis, passed with "excellent" and recommended for publication
Member of the Spanish Search Committee for a full time Spanish professor
Member for the Caribbean Minor Program
Creator of the Caribbean Course: “The Poetics of Sound in Hispanic Caribbean Literature”
Invited poet and photographer Manuel Araneda Castex (Chile) to read his poetry and present his photography at the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures (FIT);
Organized and curated photography permanent exhibition of photography by Manuel Araneda Castex (Chile) for the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures (FIT)
Middle States Report in Foreign Languages: compiles and rewrote courses in our Spanish curriculum together with professors Pilar Blanco and Mario Pozada
Member of the Academic Assessment Committee at FIT 2009-2010 Member of the Faculty Corporation Committee
Attend the Annual Language Conferences at the NORTHEAST CONFERENCE in New York City
Member of the Instructional Computing Committee
Member of the Mentoring Student-Faculty Committee 2004-2008 Coordinator of the Multimedia Language Center at FIT 2004-2008 Creator and Advisor of the International Film Club at FIT 2004 to the present
Participation in organization, training of students for the Annual Poetry Recitation Competition
Representative of York College at the CUNY COUNCIL
2017-to the present
Director of “Casa Pilar”/A Writers & Artists Residence in Chapala, Mexico
June 1-15 Poetry Residence at Fundación Valparaíso, Mojácar, Spain
July 15-30 Poetry Residence in Florence, at Centro Studi Jorge Eielson
Festival Internacional de la Mujer en las Letras, ANHG: Academia Nacional de Historia y Geografía-Clausura www.anhg.org. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XJOlU-tHbA
Festival Internacional de la Mujer en las Letras, ANHG: Academia Nacional de Historia y Geografía-Clausura. www.anhg.org.
Rencontre International de la poésie – Safi Safi international forum of poetry (Marocco)
V Festival Internacional de Poesía “Poetas en mayo” (Vitoria, Basque Country, Spain)
International Film Festival, Casa de las Americas at Houston
XII Festival Internacional de Poesía en el Laurel, La Zubia, Granada, Spain
Asociación Colegial de Escritores de Cataluña ACEC, Lectura poética de Madeline Millán/Carlos Vitale Host, Aula dels Escriptors Planta de l'Ateneu Barcelonès
International Literature Festival, Casa de las Americas at Houston
I Festival Internacional de Poesía y la Amistad Primavera Poética, Lima, Perú; launched of my poetry book Contracantos: Del aire a la rosa
VIII Festival Internacional de Poesía de Granada, Nicaragua
V Festival Internacional Luna de Locos, Pereira, Colombia
XV Encuentro Internacional de Poetas, Zamora, Michoacán, México
XII Festival Poetas del mundo latino 2010, México
XIV Encuentro Internacional de Poetas de Zamora, Michoacán-México
V Encuentro de poesía sin fronteras, Feria Internacional del libro de Bogotá
X Feria Internacional del libro en el Zócalo, DF, México Invited to read from my poetry book 365 esquinas
XI Encuentro Internacional De Escritores/Chañaral, Chile 2007 La Guagua de la Poesía y 4to Encuentro de Poetas, Puerto Rico
X Ferial Internacional del Libro, San Juan, Puerto Rico 2006 Festival de Poesía de Mar del Plata, Argentina
Festival de Poesía de Mar del Plata, Argentina
Cornelia Street Café (West Village-NYC)
2005-to 2016 (In 2018 the legendary Cornelia Street Café closed their doors to the public)
Host/Poetry Reading with 12 international poets from Uruguay, Mexico,
Canadá, Colombia, Perú, and Spain:
Martha Canfield. Carmen Boullousa, Jeannette Clariond, Xavier
Oquendo, Luis García Montero, Carlos Cataño, Miguel-Angel Zapata, Francoise Roy, Fedérico Díaz Granado, Jota Mario Arbelaez
Host/Poetry Reading Dan Shapiro (US) and Isaac Goldemberg (Perú)
Host/Poetry Reading Phillis Levin (US), and Javier Bozalongo (Spain)
Host/Poetry Reading Miguel-Angel Zapata (Perú) and Fernando Operé (Spain) Host/Breaking Ground Anthology Book Presentation and Reading at Cornelia Street Café (Puerto Rico-New York)
Host/ Tribute and Poetry Reading to two Puerto Rican Women Writers, Anita Vélez- Mitchell and Myrna Nieves at Cornelia Street Café
Host of Bilingual Poetry Readings at Cornelia Street Cafe (NYC)
María Negroni (Argentina), Mairym Cruz Bernal (Puerto Rico) y Marcos Wasem (Uruguay) (October 1rst)
Host of Bilingual Poetry Readings at Cornelia Street Cafe (NYC) Students and Professors from the MA Spanish Creative Writing Program (CWP) at NYU and students of the Spanish CWP at City College, CUNY (September 11)
Host Book Presentation and poetry Reading of Bilingual Anthology: Noches de Cornelia, Cornelia Street Cafe, NYC (March 13)
Host of Bilingual Poetry Readings at Cornelia Street Cafe (NYC) James Cascaito and Pilar Blanco from the Foreign Language Deptment (FIT-SUNY) reading Italians translations and my Spanish translation of Hindu Poet Meena Alexander (March 21)
Host of Bilingual Poetry Readings at Cornelia Street Cafe (NYC)
Linda Rodríguez Guglielmoni (Puerto Rico), Ylonka Nacidit-Perdomo (Dominican Republic), Meena Alexander (India-England) (March 7)
Host of Bilingual Poetry Readings at Cornelia Street Cafe (NYC)
Sultan Catto (Turkey) (February 21)
Host of Bilingual Poetry Readings at Cornelia Street Cafe (NYC)
James Cascaito (Italo-American) and Carlos Alberto Montaño (Colombia) (April 19th)
Host of Bilingual Poetry Readings at Cornelia Street Cafe (NYC)
Mariela Dreyfus (Perú), María Arrillaga (Puerto Rico) Madeline Millán (PR) (March 13)
Host with Chris Brandt “Walt Whitman: South and North” (Six nights, twelve hosts, and an emblematic pair of poets, one Latin- and one North-American, and others of their generation, read by an eclectic collection of poets in different places in NYC (August 25-30)
Host of Bilingual Poetry Readings at Cornelia Street Cafe (NYC)
Daniel Tevini (Buenos Aires), Emilce Strucchi (BA), Etnairis Rivera (Puerto Rico
Fashion Institute of Technology (SUNY)
Invited Emilio Coco, Italian poet and translator. Translation in Global Culture: Latin American Poetry in Italian and English (Poetry Reading in Spanish/Italian/English) at the Fashion Institute of Technology
Spanish Creative Writing, Poetry, Literary translation, Latin American literature and Film, Caribbean literature and culture
Apertura del cronotopo verbal: De la novela El celoso extremeño al entremés ‘El viejo celoso’ de Cervantes, in Romance Language Annual, 4 (1992: Purdue, Indiana)
Historia de un libro y un recitado: Antología de Gonzalo Rojas, in Alforja (Mexico) XVII (summer 2001); also at Número, 31, (Colombia, November-2001)
As editor and publisher
Leonardo Favio in Black and White Cinematropical Newsletter, NY
Entreextremos Monographic Studies on Latin American films.
Editor and Publisher Madeline Millán
Issue 1: Argentine Cinema
Issue 2: Colombian Cinema
Issue 3: Cuban Cinema
Sergio Castilla: an Interview. Newsletter of the Latino Collaborative, NY (September-October 1994)
As translator/In collaboration
2011 Poetry Book of Sultan Catto’s Under the shadows of your falling words (Godot/Ediciones Bilingua, BA, Argentina), now under the title of Eco/Echo (El Mono Estrellado, Rosario/Buenos Aires, Argentina). In conjunction with Pilar Blanco-Ruiz.
As translator, editor, and publisher
Noches de Cornelia/Nights of Cornelia
Editor Madeline Millán, Buenos Aires, Ediciones Bilingua Godot, 2008: A Multicultural Bilingual Poetry Anthology) Translated Poems from English to Spanish of: Meena Alexander (India), Sultan Catto (Turkey), Linda Rodríguez Guglielmoni (Puerto Rico), Angelo Verga (United States).
Interviews to poets who are translators
As interviewer/In Collaboration
Jeannette Clariond
Viceversa: Marzo 2016
Jeannette Clariondo: Entre el arte de la poesia y la traduccion.
https://www.viceversa-mag.com/jeannette-clariond-entre-el-arte-de-la-poesia-y-la- traduccion/
Marco Antonio Campos
Viceversa: May 2016:
Traductor feliz, poeta de la duda.
As Interviewer/Not in Collaboration
2018 Julio Marzan
Viceversa: February 2018:
De Luis Palés Matos a Williams Carlos Williams: un acercamiento a través del arte de la traducción poética.
De Luis Palés Matos a Williams Carlos Williams: un acercamiento a través del arte de la traducción poética.
80grados: August 2018
Alfredo Fressia
Exilio, asilo y autotraducción
Estudios de Teoria Literaria: (Revista digital: artes, letras y humanidades)
Vol 7, Num 14 (2018)
Interviews to poets who are photographers (not in collaboration)
Celeste Alba Iris
Upcoming: Error y fortuna del extravío: Del poemario al fotolibro
Revista Acróbata (Brasil)
Manuel Araneda Castex
Viceversa: March 1, 2022
Los museos son herramientasterritoriales de Resilencia Individual y Comunitaria
Carmen Amato
Viceversa: February 13, 2022
Carmen Amato: Poeta cazadora de imágenes
Que el mar no me falte
Anthology of my Poetry Work published since 2002-2019
(Dominican Republic/Puerto Rico, Isla Negra, 2019)
Launched at the International Book Fair in Dominican Republic in April, 2019.
Contracantos: Del aire a la rosa
Poems in dialogue with 22 paintings related to the Canto V, Dante's Divine Comedia
Won a Literary mention by the PEN Internacional de Puerto Rico
(Lima-Perú, Summa, 2013)
Día Cero
(San Juan/Puerto Rico, Terranova, 2012)
365 esquinas
(San Juan/Puerto Rico, Terranova, 2009)
Won the PEN National Poetry Award
(Buenos Aires, Godot, Ediciones Bilingua, 2008)
De toros y estrellas
(San Juna/Puerto Rico, Terranova, 2004)
Para no morir por segunda vez
(Buenos Aires, Senda-Vox, 2002)
Irma Blanco/Translator of Leche/Milk (2008)
Pilar Blanco/Have been translating my poetry for the PEN Women Writers Monthly Meetings since 2005. She is preparing a book of my poetry.
The First Anthology of Contemporary Latin American/Poetry in Italian, Noted Poet and Translator Emilio Coco.
Translated in some of the anthologies to Italian, French, English, Portuguese, Arab, Catalan, and Basque
100 Poetak Maiatzean/100 Poetas en Mayo
(Tarqus Editorial, Santiago de Compostela, 2017, pp: 122-124)
Il fiore della poesia latinoamericana d’oggi
(The First Anthology of Contemporary Latin American/Poetry in Italian, by Noted Poet and Translator Emilio Coco. 3 volumes of the contemporary Latin American poetry, translated by Emilio Coco, Raffaelli Editore, 2016, vol. 1, p.269)
Breaking Ground/Abriendo Caminos
(An Anthology of Puerto Rican Women Writers in New York 1980-2102: Edited by Myrna Nieves: New York, Editorial Campana, 2012)
Na barca lusitana/En la barca lusitana
(Translated from Spanish to Portuguese: 6 poetisas de Porto Rico by Tiago Nené. Faro, Portugal: Livros do Mundo, 2012)
Ejército de rosas. Antología de 56 poetas puertorriqueñas vivas
(Edited by Yolanda Arroyo: CreateSpace Independent Publishing, USA, 2011)
Poesía Latinoamericana Hoy/20 países, 50 poetas
(Editors: Jacobo Rauskin, Mario Sampaolesi and Roberto Arizmendi, Ediciones Fósforo, Editorial Universidad Hermosillo, Arandurá and Barataria, México, Paraguay and Argentina, 2011: pp. 141-143)
Poesía puertorriqueña Contemporánea
Blanco Móvil (# 119 Argentine-Mexican literary magazine. Introduction and Selection to Puerto Rican poetry by Etnairis Rivera. Editor: Eduardo Moshes, México, 2011.
Poetas del mundo latino
12 poets from Spain and Latin America were invited to publish and later to present and read from this anthology as part of the International Poetry event Poetas del Mundo Latino
(Editor José Ángel Leyva: Mexico DF: Universidad Intercontinental, 2010; pp: 25-28)
Antología XIV Encuentro Internacional de Poetas
(Michoacán: Editorial Cat, 2010; pp: 77-78)
Poesía de Puerto Rico: Cinco décadas (1950-2000)
(Caracas,Venezuela: Fundación editorial el perro y la rana- Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Cultura, 2009. pp. 349-355)
Hybrido X
(Literary magazine of The Graduate School, City University of New York. Año XI, 10, 2008 p. 72)
New Mango Season: A Journal of Caribbean Women’s Writing
(Hispanic Voices 1.2, 2008: pp. 113)
Poetas sin tregua
(Compilación de poetas puertorriqueñas de la generación del 80; editor Maribel Sánchez, Ráfagas, España, 2006: pp. 19-29)
El rastro de las mariposas. Antología Femenina de Poesía Hispanoamericana
(Editor Leo Zelada, Lord Byron Ediciones, Perú-Madrid, 2006: pp. 97-102)
Per)versiones desde el paraíso: poesía puertorriqueña de entresiglos
(Revista de poesía Aullido, Número 14, edición homenaje a Juan Ramón Jiménez en el 50 aniversario de la concesión del Premio Nóbel de Literatura: Prologue: Mario R. Cancel., Editors Uberto Stabile y Ana María Fuster, Huelva, Spain, 2005: pp. 65-70)
Nueva poesía hispanoamericana
(Lord Byron editions, 7edition, 2004: pp. 103-104)
Brújula/Compass: Newsletter of the Latin American Writers
(Institute Eugenio María de Hostos Community College of CUNY, New York, Vol. 1, Número/Issue 15, 2004: p. 12-13)
La trilogía Poética de las mujeres en Hispanoamérica
(Compilation of 8 centuries of women poets from Spain and LatinAmerica; Volume III: pícaras, místicas y rebeldes; La Cuadrilla de la Langosta, coedition UNAM, UAM, Conaculta/Fonca y Fundación Bancomer, México and other countries 2004: pp. 292-94)
(University of Northern Colorado Boulder, 16, n. 2, Spring 2001: pp 7-13)
(XVII, Summer-01)
Diálogo 5
(Fall 2000)
Aleph: Brook Spring
(Poems translated by Amelia Salinero, 1993)
(16-17, Nov. 1984)
Taller Universidad de Puerto Rico
(Publication of literary workshop directed by Prof. María Arrillaga, 1981)
2022 poems
2021 poems
Home Planet News Online: Feature Hispanic Poets: Page 3
2020 Seis poetas iberoamericanas en EE.UU.
2015 poems http://www.revistaelhumo.com/2015/11/medeline-millan.html
Poems http://www.tainoworld.com/mamillan.html
2014 Poems http://tajo-tajodido.blogspot.com/2014/03/poemas-de-madeline-millan-puerto-rico.html
2013 Poems “El hilo,” “Observatorio,” “A un ángel que pasa,” “¿El concubino existe?,” “¿Qué sueña?,” “Frescos de Lutrec,” “Formas de citación, Anselm Feuerbach” (2013) http://sol-negro.blogspot.com/2013/08/poemas-de-la-puertorriquena-madeline.html
Poems http://www.ila-magazine.com/www.ila-magazine.com/spanish/spanish.html
2012 Poems http://www.laestafetadelviento.es/poesia-viva/jovenes-maestros/madeline-millan
2011 Poems http://lasvocesdesiertas.blogspot.com/2011/02/365-esquinas-madelinemillan.html
Poem “Boca de un caracol en su oreja” http://mispoetascontemporaneos.blogspot.com/2011/01/poema-de-madeline-millan.html
Poem “La más bella o sueño bajo la pirámide de Cleopatra en Central Park” http://mispoetascontemporaneos2.blogspot.com/2011/12/poema-consigna-de-madeline-millan.html
20 poems http://poetassigloveintiuno.blogspot.com/2011/05/3862-madeline-millan.html
2010 Poem “Eclipse” Imánhattan (New York, No. 1, 2010). http://www.nyu.edu/pubs/imanhattan/numero1/madeline-millan.php
Poems http://marta-ortiz.blogspot.com/2010/08/madeline-millan-puerto-rico-poesia.html
Poem “Invitación al mar” http://mispoetascontemporaneos.blogspot.com/2010/09/poema-de-madeline-millan.html
3 Poems (one poem per month). Mis poetas contemporaneous (Argentina)
http://mispoetascontemporaneos.blogspot.com/2010/09/poema-de-madeline-millan.html http://mispoetascontemporaneos.blogspot.com/2010/12/consigna-de-diciembre-poema-de-madeline.html http://mispoetascontemporaneos.blogspot.com/2011/01/poema-de-madeline-millan.html
Poems http://lanemonavidenterv.blogspot.com/2010_09_01_archive.html
Poem http://sites.google.com/site/boletinculturaltunjuelito/literatura/destacado
2007 Poems http://poemasparaalejandrapizarnik.tripod.com/id15.html
2006 Poems http://herederosdelcaos.tripod.com/
Poems http://herederosdelcaos04.tripod.com/id30.html
Poems http://edicionesjuglaria.com.ar/seccionC/archivosjuglaria/poesialatinoamericana14.htm
2001 Poem “Axenos: el inhospitable mar negro”
Poem "Tesis sobre los movimientos del mar"
Poems www. Letralia.com www.letralia.com/92/le05-092.htm
POETRY READINGS (Selected bibliography)
(some also available in youtube, facebook and/or FIT/SUNY website)
(September 10th)
Upcoming Poetry Reading at Poetry Festival of the Poetry Society of New York
99 Poemas para Dolores Castro
IV Semana Internacional de las letras de Murcia
Exlibris Murcia 2021
Ciclo Poesía Latinoamericana, 50 Aniversario Premio Novel Pablo Neruda
Recital poético/Día Internacional de la Poesía
Museo de la Mujer/FEMU
Spoken Words Sundays: Madeline Millán y Sultan Catto
Desde Nueva York y México, poetry readings with Mexican poets Sihara Nuño and Beatriz Saavedra at the Casa de Cultura Ignacio Aldecoa as part of the events of the International Poetry Festival in the Basque Country (Spain)
Poetas en mayo/Poetak maiatzean Desde Nueva York y Méjico
Poetas en mayo
Reading of Anthology Puerto Rican Women Writers
Fashionable Muses Project, BrickFIT, musical work between poets, musicians and visual artists
2015 Poetas de Puerto Rico en Nueva York, invited by the PEN International of Puerto Rico to
talk about my life and work as poet in New York
Invited to read my poetry at 2015 & Beyond; organized by The Light Millienium: A Multi-Media and Culture Organization (NYC)
Invited to read in Barcelona at The Association of Catalan Writers in Barcelona) May 12, 2015-05-05
Invited to read at the Organización Nacional de Ciegos (ONCE), May 27, 2015
Invited to read in Granada, Spain: Lectura de Poemas de Madeline Millán, Presentation Pedro Enríquez Sala de Exposiciones del Centro Artístico de Granada
2014 Invited to Read in Mexico at Instituto de Cultura de Tlaxclaa
Invited to Read in Mexico at Encuentro de Poetas Latinoamericanos, Pinacoteca del Estado/Desiderio Hernández Xochitiotzi, Guerrero, Tlaxcala
Invited to Read in Mexico at Centro de Artes y Oficios, San Miguel Etla, Oaxaca and
At Museo de Santo Domingo, Oaxaca
Invited to Read in Mexico at Fundación de las Letras Mexicanas, Mexico City
2013 Invited to read my poems at Hunter College for the book presentation of Breaking Ground:
Anthology of Puerto Rican Women Writers in New York 1980-2012
Invited to read my poems in Puerto Rico Madeline Millán lee su poesia en San Juan, Puerto Ricoat at Librería ACE, Puerto Rico
Invited to read my poems at Barnes & Noble for presentation of the anthology Breaking Ground (FIT; bilingual reading of one of my poems by James Cascaito, Chair of Modern Languages & Cultures)
Invited to read my poems at Librería AC (Puerto Rico) 4 Poetas de Nueva Y ork
Invited to read my poems at Hofstra University An Afternoon of Poetry as part of the Hispanic Heritage Month, Sponsored by Latin American and Caribbean Studies and Women’s Studies Program
2012 Presenting and reading of my poetry book Día Cero and Reading at the International Guadalajara 2012 Book Fair
Presenter with Pilar Blanco of book translated Echo/Eco by Pilar Blanco and Madeline Millán. Reading with poet Sultan Catto at the International Guadalajara 2012 Book Fair
2011 Invited to read at Gabinete Salvaje, Noches de Poesía y Artes, DF, México
Invited to read at Hunter College at the book presentation of the anthology
Ejército de rosas, NYC Reading presentation of this anthology
Invited to read my poetry in Colombia. Organized by Poesía sin fronteras (Bogotá, Colombia) at: Universidad Autónoma de Colombia; El Tunal; El Gimnasio Moderno;
Invited to read my poetry with international writers at Universidad lntercontinental in Mexico City. Presentation by Mexican poet José Angel Leyva
Invited to read my poetry at Café Denmedio in Mexico City. Presentation by Mexican poets Mónica González and Refugio Pereida
Invited to read at Festival Pereira, Colombia: Madeline Millán Poeta de Puerto Rico en Luna de Locos El Festival
Book Presentation and Poetry Reading of Día Cero at Borders, San Juan, PR
Invited to read my poems and present my book 365 esquinas at III Salón del Libro Iberoamericano Otoño Cultural 2009, Huelva, España
Invited to read my poems celebrating Hybrido X, A Latin American Literary Publication (Subway 7 Café, NYC, May 2)
Invited to read my poetry with poets of Puerto Rico Muestra de poesía puertorriqueña, at Bar 1900 (Huelva, Spain)
Invited to read my poetry at Biblioteca Pública Provincial (Huelva, Spain)
Invited to read my poems with Regie Cabico, Anyssa Kim & Guillermo Castro
Crossings: A Poetry Reading/Performance
Sponsored by FIT Words: The Club for Writers English & Speech Department School of Liberal Arts, Host Amy Lemmon
Host and Read my Poem “Tesis sobre los movimientos del mar,” from Noches de Cornelia/Cornelia Nights, at the McNally Robinson Bookstore Poets: Angelo Verga, María Arrillaga, James Cascaito, Sultan Catto, Mayrim C. Bernal, Marcos Wasem, Madeline Millán, María Negroni, Linda Rodríguez Guglielmoni
Invited to read in San Juan, Puerto Rico 100 minutos de poesía Taller C, Río Piedras
Invited to read my poetry at Vassar College during the Caribbean Festival week, sponsored by the Caribbean Students' Alliance (New York)
Book Presentation and Anthology Poetry Reading: Noches de Cornelia, La Tertulia, Viejo San Juan, Puerto Rico (May 28)
Invited to read my poetry at I Encuentro de Poetas: De un pájaro las dos alas: Cuba and Puerto Rico; sponsored by Arteinsomne (Miami, Florida)
Invited to read my poetry as part of the students’ reading from New York University, celebrating the second year of the MFA in Creative Writing in Spanish (CWS); organized and presented by Lila Zemborain and Mariela Dreyfuss. Co-sponsored by the King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center and the Spanish Department of NYU
Invited to read my poetry at a Bilingual Poetry Reading with poet Roberta Gould at Cornelia Street Café, hosted by Angelo Verga
Invited to read poems with Daniel Tevini and Alejandro Margulis Lecturas en Bartolomeo-Bar Bukowski, Buenos Aires (August 6)
Invited to read at El Taller de Poesía of Etnairis Rivera Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, San Juan, PR (May 30)
Invited to read poems at 4to Encuentro de Poetas de la Poesía Cafe Seda, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Invited to read my poetry (translations of my poems into English by prof. Pilar Blanco) at cultural event Two Universal Men; organized by The Light Millienium: A Multi-Media and Culture Organization (NYC)
Invited to read poems at Festival de Poesía: El poeta en Nueva York, Lectorum Bookstore, NYC
Book Presentation and Poetry Reading of Bilingual Anthology: Noches de Cornelia, The Skylight Room, Graduate Center, CUNY, NYC
Invited to read at the XIX Winter Poetry Season at Boricua College, NYC
Invited to read my poetry, translated by Pilar Blanco at a poetry recitation of Puerto Rican women poets: Ednairis Rivera and Madeline Millán. This event was organized by FIT poet and professor Sultan Catto at the CUNY Graduate Center.
Reading and Presentation of Poetry Books Perversiones desde el paraíso,
El Rastro de las mariposas, and
Poetas sin tregua: XVI International Congress of Literature from Hispanic Women Writers, at Weber State University, Utah, Awarded by the Teaching Institute (FIT) (October 5-6)
Kattia Chico, Etnairis Rivera and Madeline Millán Poetry Presentation of “De toros y estrellas,” and
Tango de la viuda. Centro de Estudios de Puerto Rico y el Caribe (October 6)
Book Presentation and Reading of Poetas sin tregua and other poems at Casa de la Cultura Española, Lima-Perú (June 22)
Invited to Present Poetry Book: Poetas sin tregua, an anthology of 6 Puertorican Poets from the 80s (6 poems from Tango de la viuda) First National Congress of Literary Publications, Fundación de Poetas, Buenos Aires
Etnairis Rivera and Madeline Millán at the Guadalajara Book Fair, Awarded by the Teaching Institute (FIT, SUNY)
Guest Writer at the International Recitation Competition at FIT
Poem Lo que el viento se llevó, from Tango de la viuda, translated into English by James Cascaito
Poetry Reading from my poetry book De toros y estrellas at Borders, Mayagüez
Poetry Reading from the book De toros y estrellas Borders, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Presenter by Historian and Literary critic, Mario Cancel "Pre-textualidad en De toros y estrellas”
Presentation and Reading of Poetry book De toros y estrellas at the 20th Century Literature & Culture Conference University of Louisville, Kentucky
Presentation of poetry book Para no morir por segunda vez (2002). Presenter Belia Segarra, followed by poetry reading at V Encuentro de Escritoras San Juan de Puerto Rico
Poetry Reading of La maestra de York (unpublished book), Latino Art Round, Table hosted by Sonia Rivera Valdés Guest Writer to read at the Initiation Ceremony Capítulo Iota Iota de Sigma Delta Pi, York College, CUNY
Invited Writer for The Fifth International Conference on Women Authors of the Spanish Caribbean, Hostos Community College (October 16)
Poetry Reading with Julio Marzán, “Noches de Ronda,” Nuyorican Poets Cafe (May 5)
Poetry Reading at Viernes de Poesía, Mixta Gallery, NYC (May 25) 1990 Madeline Millán and Juan Zapata at the Poetry Reading of Extremos, Literary magazine of Dept. of Hispanic Languages and Literature Stony Brook University
Essay: Neruda, Cállate tú
May 8, 2020
Essay: El humor en los tiempos del cólera
April 24, 2020
Essay: El Aire y Respirar: Contra la Distopia
March 31, 2020
Essay: La mujer que me crió se llama Hipólita
March 5, 2020
(México, Colombia, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Spain & United States)
Isla con atardeceres
Blanco Móvil 25 (Celebrando el aniversario de la revista). Invited by the
editor Eduardo Moshes to participated in an interview and publication of short story
in conjunction with Latin American and Spanish writers. This issue was celebrating its 25th anniversary of this literary magazine from Mexico.
Isla con atardeceres
(Cuando narradoras latinoamericanas narran en Estados Unidos: Vol. 1, Buenos Aires, Fundación A. Ross, 2009)
The braid
(La trenza, short story translated by Ivette Romero-Cesareo, New Mango Season: ibid: pp. 114- 116, 2008)
El Coleccionista de Arte como Autor
(Fictional essay, BABAB, Revista de Cultura, , No 23. Enero-febrero 2004, Spain: pp. 15-20)
Nadie como la abuela para pelar papas
Letras Salvajes, No. 4, Fall 2004
El día que me quieras
(Revista Número, 30, Director Guillermo González Uribe, Bogotá-Colombia, Sept. 2001: pp. 42-47)
Cinco relatos de Madeline Millán
El coleccionista de arte como autor (fictional essay)
Isla con atardeceres
Letras: Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños-Hunter College
Blues en rojo sobre Manhattan (main idea from where my novel Rojo sobre Manhattan started) http://mariorcancel.blogspot.com/ (2008)
Nadie como la abuela para pelar papas
El día que me quieras
(Revista Número, 30, Director Guillermo González Uribe, Bogotá-Colombia, Sept. 2001: pp. 42-47)
Cinco relatos de Madeline Millán
El coleccionista de arte como autor (fictional essay)
Isla con atardeceres
Letras: Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños-Hunter College
Blues en rojo sobre Manhattan (main idea from where my novel Rojo sobre Manhattan started) http://mariorcancel.blogspot.com/ (2008)
Nadie como la abuela para pelar papas
Madeline Millán con José Ángel Leyva 26 de abril 2022
Madeline Millán con José Ángel Leyva 3 de mayo de 2022
¿De qué hablan las mujeres?
Stethoscopes & Pencils
Historias de una pandemia. Washington Heights (NYC) Desde la Ventana
El multiverso de Madeline Millán
La nueva pasión de Madeline Millán
Boreales-blog, Puerto Rico
An interview that can be seen also in youtube.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iShOL66iPk
Madeline Millán y un bus al azar en uno de los corazones infinitos de Andalucía by Floriano Martins. Agulha Hispánica/Revista de Cultura 02 (2010)
El poema y su doble
Na Barca Lusitana/En la Barca Lusitana, 6 Poetas de Porto Rico by Alberto Martínez-Márquez http://www.academia.edu/4675134/EL_POEMA_Y_SU_DOBLE_NA_BARCA_LUSITANA_EN_LA_ BARCA_LUSITANA_6_POETISAS_DE_PORTO_RICO
La Voz Deudora
(Dialogue between literary critics Ilan Stavans and Miguel-Ángel Zapata about Latin American Poetry: Lima-México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2013)
Repeating Islands (Commentary by Vanessa Droz and Ivette Romero (Marist College) http://repeatingislands.com/2012/12/21/whats-on-our-nightstands-madeline-millans-dia-cero/
Por la ruta creativa de Madeline Millán by Carlos Esteba Cana http://narrativadeyolanda.blogspot.com/2011/10/por-la-ruta-creativa-de-madeline-millan.html
Cuando pasa el miedo te entregas a la escritura: Madeline Millán presenta un poemario híbrido que enlaza poesía con prosa poética.
El Nuevo Día-Newspaper, Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tatiana Pérez Rivera/ tperez@elnuevodia.com www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=305078802552
Narradoras latinoamericanas en EEUU: Un cuarto propio
(A book review about the Anthology Narradoras latinoamericanas en Estados Unidos: in El Capital, Rosario, Argentina. April 18, 2010) http://www.lacapital.com.ar//ed_senales/2010/4/edicion_77/contenidos/noticia_5080.html
Book Review Repeating Islands (about my poetry book Leche/Milk)
Book Review Repeating Islands (about my poetry book 365 esquinas) http://repeatingislands.com/2009/12/10/new-book-madeline-millan’s-365-esquinas/
Book review Public-Arte about Leche/ Milk by Astrid Lander
September-October 2008, No. 6, p. 8 (Venezuela)
Esta noche: Poesía desnuda: Madeline Millán, Maribel Sánchez and Johanny Vázquez
El Nuevo Día, by Jaime Torres Torres (San Juan, PR, Friday June 25, 2008: pp. 69)
Madeline Millán and Johanny Vázquez
Piedra, Papel y Tijera by Rafael Josué Vega (Radio Universidad, Río Piedras (June 27, 2008)
Noches de Cornelia/Antología de voces hispanas by Olga Román, “Así Letras,” Primera Hora, June 28,
Book review about Entre toros y estrellas by Wanda Cosme. Nuevas Coordenadas de la literatura puertorriqueña. (San Juan/Santo Domingo, Isla negra editores, 2007: pp. 48-49) http://books.google.com/books?id=x01RqjLuZ_gC&pg=PA5&dq=poemas+madeline+millan&source=gb s_selected_pages&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=false`
Humanidades que se les achacan a las bestias by Manuel Clavell Carrasquillo, El Nuevo Día (3-27-2005) Commentary about MM literary work
Madeline Millán en doble fascinación poética by Nelson del Castillo
Primera Hora, (section Literature and Art) San Juan, Puerto Rico, Saturday, February 19, 2005: pp. 36
Convergencia de vida y vocación by Mario Alegre El Nuevo Día, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Friday, January 21, 2005: pp. 24
Pre-textualidad en De toros y estrellas by the critic and historian Mario Cancel, Literary Review of MM poetry work. Read at the book presentation and reading of De Toros... at Borders event (January 21, 2005)
La poeta Madeline Millán visita el Recinto Norte
Note about Workshop offered by MM at Universidad de Puerto Rico http://uprm.edu/gaceta/g7v4112005.pdf
National Poetry Award- PEN International of Puerto Rico: Leche/Milk (2009)
Poetry Mention-PEN International of Puerto Rico: Contracantos: Del aire a la rosa (2013)
GRANTS SUNY Diversity Grant
International Poetry Encounter in NYC/April 2013 with poets reading their poetry in the languages taught at the Department of Foreign Languages
Grants-in-aid (for Entreextremos publication 1995)
Graduate Student Organization (GSO), State University of Stony Brook; Award Latin American Advanced Project LAAP by the Association of Hispanic Arts (AHA), for Entreextremos Film magazine
Attendance to most of the International Poetry Festivals where I have attended to read my poetry have been possible thanks to the support of the Teaching Institute and School of Liberal Arts at FIT/SUNY
Sabbatical 2015 research project
Grant from the Faculty Development Grants and Awards Committee to conduct Research, collect photographs that will be used later by me in drawings to be illustrated my children’s book Secreto Escondido en un Caracol/Secret Hidden in a Seashell (during the yearly sabbatical in 2015). This is a work-in-progress.
As Presenter
Cine y poesía Conference about film and poetry at the Festival of Victoria, Basque Country (Spain) see mention at the interview: “El multiverso de Madeline Millán.”
The language of Poetry: Beyond translating Words and Images, Symposium On the Edge of Translation and Creation, Hofstra University
Composición y poética textil en Los nudos de Jorge Eduardo Eielson, talk at the Americas Society (NYC) in December 4
Fundación de las Letras Mexicanas, Mexico City
Gave poetry workshops during one month at the Fundación para las letras mexicanas, invited by Director Eduardo Langagne
Otros mundos posibles y prohibidos: Las historias prohibidas de Marta Veneranda. Talk at 9th International Conference of Caribbean Women Writers and Scholars (April 27)
Presentation of Issue #3 of Cuban Cinema at Cinematic Representation in Spanish and Latin-American Literature, Queens College, CUNY
American Translators Association’s 43rd Annual Conference, Atlanta, November “Translating Dr. Seuss: Two Texts Not Published in Spanish”
Moderator LART-Latino Artist Round Table
The Present Literature of Spain and Latin America at the United States
The King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center, New York University, October
Guest Speaker at the New Jersey Jewish Film Festival
The New Argentine Cinema in the 90’s and Daniel Burman’s film ‘Esperando al Mesías”
Conductor of Entreextremos Poetry Workshop Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños, Hunter College
Translating Dr. Seuss: Two Texts Not Published in Spanish American Translators Association’s 43rd Annual Conference
The Present Literature of Spain and Latin America and United States The King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center, New York University Moderator LART-Latino Artist Round Table, October
Film Jury for Latino Film Festival: LaCinemaFe (www.lacinemafe.com)
Poéticas del género detectivesco latinoamericano XXX Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, Pittsburgh
Teoría de las suspensiones : imagen, texto y música en la novela y fotonovela cubana Y si muero mañana, de Luis Rogelio Nogueras. Eighteenth Annual West Virginia University Colloquium on Modern Literature and Film
Los perros, el deseo y la muerte, script based on Boris Vian’s short story Stony Brook University, Reading at the Extremos literary workshop
Apertura del cronotopo verbal en El celoso extremeño. Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas University of Prince Edward Island, Canada
Discurso forense en los Hermanos Karamasov Charlas literarias y Lingüísticas Dept. of Hispanic Language and Literature at Stony Brook University
2011 Wrote Introduction to Poetry/Short Story Book Erótica of Stefan Antonmatei
2010 Interview for literary magazine LaOtra Mónica González: El libro objeto
2008 Wrote Introduction to Poetry Book Razones de la Dama Infiel of Elizabeth Cazessús
(Eidciones Gíglico, México) This introduction can be read at: http://letronomo.blogspot.com/2008/05/cada-vez-que-preparo-un-libro-de-poesa.html
New York City Poetry Festival
Keep St. Pete Lit!
2018-to present Member of the PEN Translators Association
2011-to 2018 Member of the Women Writers of the PEN American Center, NYC
Latin American Writers Institute of New York (CUNY) Member of the PEN Club Mexico (Correspondent)
Member of the American PEN of New York
Member of the PEN Club of Puerto Rico
Board of Directors of LaCinemaFe Film Festival; Film Selection Committee Moderator for the Caribbean Film Table at LaCinemafe Film Festival Guest Speakers, Sonia Valentín (Puerto Rico, P.R.), Sonia Rivera Valdés(Cuba), Mary Leonard (US film critic studying P.R-Dominican Republic films)
Alforja (Poetry Magazine) Literary Poet Representative in US
Film Jury for Latino Film Festival: LaCinemaFe, 2001 (January)
Member of the Executive Committee of Extremos, poetry magazine published by the Poetry Workshop of Hispanic Languages and Literature Stony Brook University; Concepción, Chile; San Juan, Puerto Rico
Member of Latino Collaborative (film makers and writers association)
OTHER CULTURAL ACTIVITIES/Creator and Coordinator of Literary/Art Workshops
Creator and Director of Arte en las calles y Niños mirando al mar (In March 2010, I created a social organization to give workshops by artists and writers inside communities of social and financial needs in Loíza, Aguadilla and Piñones, Puerto Rico). I have been inspired in the past by similar activities in Chañaral, a mine community of Chile, and also in Zamora, México. See newspapers press releases in this portfolio:
Viva la Palabra en Loíza Aldea, Nuevo Día (interviewed by Tatiana Rivera, Tuesday March 2, 2010 http://www.elnuevodia.com/vivalapalabraenloizadesdeelviernes-677165.html
Por Adentro-Arte para todos, El Nuevo Día (interviewed by Camile Roldán, February 25, 2010, p. 5 http://narrativadeyolanda.blogspot.com/2010/03/arte-ninos-y-loiza.html
Cooking Workshop-Invited Guest
2009 to 2011 Invited to Vassar College Caribbean Students Alliance to give a lectures on Caribbean cuisine, and to give cooking demonstration during the Carifest Week Festivities
2007 Participated in Poetry Week Seminar and Workshops with Enrique Gracia Trinidad and Anna Rossetti at El Escorial, Toledo-Spain (June 26-30)
1984 Scriptwriting with Cuban Film Maker Humberto Solás at Videoteca del Sur, NYC
1981 Literary Accredited Workshop at University de Puerto Rico directed by Dra. María Arrillaga
2016-to the Present Director of Casa Pilar/ Writers and Artists Residency in Chapala, México